How can Ketamine Infusion Therapy treat OCD? Obsessive compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder that causes repeated unwanted thoughts, feelings, ideas, or behaviors. These obsessions are usually lifelong and range from mild to severe. The causes of OCD still isn’t fully understood by Biology, Genetics Environment, but more research is still needed. Those suffering from OCD often attempt to ignore or suppress such thoughts but find it difficult to do so. Compulsions are defined as behaviors or mental acts that the person feels driven to perform in response to an obsession. These compulsions can be attempts at reducing anxiety/distress but are excessive.
- Repeated Hand-washing until skin may become raw
- Repeatedly checking doors to make sure they’re locked
- Checking the stove repeatedly to make sure it’s off
- Counting in certain patterns
- Repeating Silently a prayer, word, or phrase
- Arranging canned goods to face the same direction
- Intense stress when objects aren’t orderly
Treatment of psychotherapy and medications are sometimes ineffective. Ketamine infusion therapy can have life changing effects with the first infusion. The mechanism of action is not completely understood but Ketamine is believed to stimulate hormones that help create more positive emotions. It is a NMDA receptor antagonist that increases levels of glutamate within the system leading to rapid improvement of OCD symptoms. The treatment plan involves 6 infusions for optimal results with close evaluation after the second infusion to determine if further treatments are right for you. Ketamine infusion therapy has shown incredible results when other treatments have failed. Let us help you find relief so you can live your best life.
Has other OCD Treatments Failed?
Ketamine infusion therapy can offer Life Changing effects. Our Provicers are ready to talk to you about our Ketamine IV Therapy. So give us a call or book a free 10-minute consultation to discuss what we can do for you.