about Ketamine

There are so many drugs available on the market, promising you results. Ketamine infusion Therapy has been able to provide relief where drugs have been treatment resistant. Ketamine, which has been around for years and used as anesthesia in operation rooms and wars. There’s evidence that Ketamine has been used in many wars, including the Vietnam War. Fast forward to 2021, Ketamine has been successful in treatment of depression, anxiety, chronic pain, OCD, PTSD, Bipolar just to name a few. In this comprehensive guide, we will tell you everything you need to know about Ketamine. 

Brief History of Ketamine

Ketamine has been around for more than 6 decades, and it was first created by the Parke-Davis and Company in the 1950s. In the initial years, it was used for treating animals, but later on, it was also approved for human use.

After approval, Ketamine got its popularity because it was safer as compared to other anesthetics at that time, and it was the main reason why it was on the battlefield to numb the injured soldiers. Later on, medical professionals also started using Ketamine as an anti-depressant because of its great properties to treat severe depression and anxiety. Ketamine is also used in the treatment of psychiatric disorders such as Bipolar Disorder, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and chronic pain management

about Ketamine

How Ketamine Works?

Ketamine is considered a miracle drug because it has many uses, and it works well in treating many problems like Depression, Anxiety, OCD, and others. However, when it comes to its working, there is no definite answer, but we do have some theories which explain the possible working of Ketamine.

The first theory suggests that Ketamine targets Glutamate, a chemical that is used by the nerve cells to send signals to other cells in the body and increases their amount between the Neurons. Glutamate also activates the connections in other brain receptors AMPA Receptor. These two receptors work together to release molecules that allow neurons to communicate with other cells along new pathways. This whole process is known as synaptogenesis, and it affects the mood and thought patterns of the patient.

The second theory states that Ketamine gets attached to the Opioid Receptors of the patient, resulting in the release of natural Opioids in the patient’s body.

What are the unique Qualities of Ketamine?

Ketamine is a very popular anti-depressant, and it’s popular due to the fact that it’s much safer and faster than other anti-depressants in the market. Another reason why doctors prefer Ketamine over other anti-depressants is that it is a very dynamic drug, and it works well to cure a variety of depressive symptoms.

Like most Anti-depressants, Ketamine also targets neurons, help in establishing connections between them, and blocking a certain type of receptors. However, the thing which makes Ketamine unique is the speed. While other anti-depressants drugs take up to several days and weeks to affect the patient’s mood, Ketamine works within 24 hours, and you will notice significant movements in the mood of the depressed person.

Another unique thing about Ketamine is that it has a long-lasting effect on the patient, which can last up to a week even when Ketamine disappears from the system of the patient. 

What is Ketamine IV Infusion Therapy?

Ketamine IV Infusion Therapy is a treatment to cure depression. Depression is one of the major problems in the world, and it affects millions of people around the world. In the US alone, over 16 million adults experience depression every year, which is surely a very alarming number. Medical Experts believe that Ketamine is a very effective drug in treating depression and suicidal thoughts. 

In Ketamine IV Infusion Therapy, the doctor injects the Racemic Ketamine into the bloodstream of the patient via IV Infusion. In this treatment, the doctors use the combination of two mirror-image molecules, which are known as “R” and “S” Ketamine. When Ketamine is injected into a patient’s Body, Ketamine starts working immediately, and its effects last for up to a week.

Now, this process lasts for two to three weeks, and patients require six infusions during this period, which is known as the “Induction phase.” Once the induction phase is over, the maintenance period starts where patients require one infusion every two to six weeks, depending on the advice of the doctor.

When it comes to using Ketamine IV Infusion therapy, it’s not the first choice of the health professionals, and it’s only employed when the standard treatment fails.


What are the side effects of Ketamine?

Ketamine is a highly-effective drug, but if you take it without medical supervision, it can cause a lot of trouble for you as well. Following are some of the side effects of Ketamine, which require medical help immediately. 

  • Pale or Bluish skin, fingernails, or lips.
  • Blurry Vision
  • Delusions
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Confusion
  • Convulsions
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Problem with swallowing
  • Itching
  • Sweating
  • Feeling too nervous or restless
  • Unusual tiredness
  • Weakness

An Overdose of Ketamine can cause a lot of trouble for you, and you may experience the above side-effects if you take Ketamine without medical supervision. If you experience any of the above symptoms, it’s recommended to contact emergency services right away.

Is Ketamine Addictive?

In the past, Ketamine has been used as a party drug. That’s why when people hear about it for the first time, they think that it’s addictive. However, it’s not the case, and studies have shown that Ketamine is not addictive at all when it’s take in low doses. It’s also worth noting that doctors use Ketamine in low amounts when treating depression. The large dose is only used for the anesthetic purpose.

Overall, Ketamine is not addictive when it’s taken in a lower dose, but we will still recommend that you only take it under medical supervision to avoid any issues. Also, if you have a history of substance abuse, we strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before starting the Ketamine therapy.

Is Ketamine Safe?

Yes, Ketamine is a very safe drug, and it has proven to be very effective in treating depression. However, like other drugs, it’s only dangerous if it’s taken in large doses without medical supervision. So, make sure to consult your physician first, and you are good to use Ketamine.

What’s the future of Ketamine Therapy?

Depression is a major issue, and over 13 million American adults suffer from it every year. Many of these people go for standard therapy to cure depression, but the problem is that only 60% of them recover and the rest of the 40% don’t recover or partially recover from depression. That’s where Ketamine Therapy comes, and it’s proving to be very helpful in curing depression for the rest of the 40% of patients. However, Ketamine Therapy still has a long way to go, and health researchers are working on the long-term effects of ketamine therapy to make it safer for the patients.



In this comprehensive guide, we explained the history of Ketamine, working, and other details that you must know. We also explained Ketamine IV Infusion Therapy, which is a very effective treatment for curing depression, anxiety, chronic pain, OCD, PTSD, Bipolar. If you have any questions, please contact us, and we will be happy to answer them!